514th Ground Crews

Men assigned to 514th Squadron:

Brady, John L.                            676543    514th Squadron
Chappuis, Louis C.                    916988    514th Squadron
Cooper, Davis (NMI)                   855990    Radar, 514th Squadron
Devlin, Joseph L.                        690637    Radar, 514th Squadron
Flithers, George W.                    797504    514th Squadron
Hanway, Donald G.                     873049    514th Squadron
Hartman, Clyde E.                      425374    514th Sqd.
Hubband, Merrill D.                   745782    514th Squadron
Lawrence, J. T.                           727742    514th Squadron
Mullins, Martin M.                      563887    514th Squadron
Nealey, Noval V.                         694687    Radar, 514th Squadron
Osborne, Earle B.                       865227    514th Squadron
Partch, Robert E.                        561813    Observer
Perry, Charles S.                        501037    514th Squadron
Rinck, Jr., Edward (NMI)              694602    Radar, 514th Squadron
Sullivan, Robert F.                      683348    514th Squadron
Tyree, James L.                           676981    514th Squadron
Van Horn, James W.                    430425    514th Squadron
Wagner, Ephraim L.                    423636    Observer

Anderson, Louis L.                  37438994    Dept. 867, 514th Squadron
Anthony, Ralph B.                   34197439    514th Squadron
Askew, James A.                     34100607    Dept. 867, 514th Squadron
Bates, William (NMI)                35124516    514th Sqd.
Berglund, Milton G.                 19011680    Dept. 867, 514th Squadron
Berrigan, Eugene L.                 15075132    Dept 755, 514th Squadron
Birnberg, Melvin (NMI)             36041149    514th Sqd.
Bober, Bernard A.                   36257853    514th Squadron
Boniske, Morris W.                  34530019    514th Sqd.
Booth, Jr., John W.                   34537411    514th Sqd.
Bormuth, Francis O.                39315046    Dept. 867, 514th Squadron
Boswell, Albert R.                    15044864    Dept 826, 514th Squadron
Bracamonte, Feliciano C.         39848926    Dept 501, 514th Squadron
Brierley, Stuart M.                   31149709    Dept 756, 514th Squadron
Browning, Robert L.                37199515    Dept 755, 514th Squadron
Buchanan, Lincoln A.              32405746    514th Squadron
Burslem, Bart T.                      32186603    514th Sqd.
Call, William H.                       39905244    Dept. 867, 514th Squadron
Cherlow, Robert (NMI)            32814379    Dept 853, 514th Squadron
Clymer, Gordon W.                 37168890    Dept. 747, 514th Squadron
Craver, Joe W.                         19048582    514th Sqd.
Currey, Paul L.                        15070118    514th Sqd.
Deering, Alfred R.                   36349073    514th Sqd.
Delbecq, Richard J.                 35541711    Dept. 867, 514th Squadron
Di Pippo, Peter J.                    31370495    Dept 521, 514th Squadron
Downes, Carlton J.                  12044992    514th Sqd.
Doyle, Donald V.                     12156862    514th Sqd.
Drye, Henry M.                       34644242    Dept. 867, 514th Squadron
Edes, James K.                        11051214    Dept 755, 514th Squadron
Edwards, Clyde W.                    6653071    514th Squadron
Ellinger, Melvin W.                  17114268    Dept 756, 514th Squadron
Erickson, Elwood, A.               39615715    Dept 521, 514th Squadron
Fannin, William C.                   16006793    514th Sqd.
Finnerman, Joseph H.              31163692    Dept. 867, 514th Squadron
Fitzpatrick, Frank J.                 32382780    514th Sqd.
Fletcher, Robert L.                   38069776    Dept. 932, 514th Squadron
Gabor, Frank (NMI)                  35596377    Dept 835, 514th Squadron
Gates, Robert R.                      35770330    Dept 521, 514th Squadron
Glinski, Joe T.                          38244980    Dept 521, 514th Squadron
Gosney, Elbert J.                      33269234    514th Sqd.
Guidry, Thomas A.                   38487476    Dept 521, 514th Squadron
Hagg, Walton G.                      12134986     Dept 501, 514th Squadron
Hammersmith, Cecil H.            13049258    514th Squadron
Hanson, Dick A.                       39129361    Dept 756, 514th Squadron
Hanson, Russell B.                   39129363    Dept 756, 514th Squadron
Harmon, Dennie A.                  36293773     Dept 809, 514th Squadron
Harms, Reinhard H.                             ?        514 Sqd.
Haas, John J.                            32405047    514th Sqd.
Heap, James N.                        36676432    Dept. 911, 514th Squadron
Higgens, Okey C.                     35377657    514th Sqd.
Hill, Joseph A.                          14149087    Dept 501, 514th Squadron
Hilliard, Arthur E.                     36129355    Dept 861, 514th Squadron
Hopkins, James R.                    32708179    Dept 853, 514th Squadron
Horner, Erland K.                     11068332    Dept 501, 514th Squadron
Hostetter, Wallace E.                18001609    Dept 345, 514th Squadron
Hourigan, John Q.                    35484023    514th Squadron
Howard, Hampton C.               34651689    514th Squadron
Hunt, Wilbert R.                       38166562    514th Squadron
Jackson, David J.                      32433739    514th Squadron
James, Eugene (NMI)                39680296    514th Sqd.
John, Wilbur L.                         33294812    514th Squadron
Kachmarsky, Andrew S.           12137237    514th Sqd.
Kelson, Frank D.                      38202965    Dept 409, 514th Squadron
King, Edward R.                              ?             bombsight mechanic, 514 Sqd
Knight, William A.                   16045137    Dept 824, 514th Squadron
Kohler, Henry                          37094388    Dept 345, 514th Squadron
Lee, Gim M.                             39276925    Dept 521, 514th Squadron
Lewis, Charles F.                     12040923    Dept 345, 514th Squadron
Livingston, Jerome                  35504950    514th Squadron
Lonn, Wallace E.                      37317442    514th Sqd.
Lopez, Joe R.                           39861607    Dept 521, 514th Squadron
Lutz, John F.                            33513281    Dept 911, 514th Squadron
Mabry, Clifford G.                    34772328    Dept 501, 514th Squadron
May, George T.                        34116983    514th Sqd.
McKibben, Husey G.                 14139967    Dept. 945, 514th Squadron
Moe, Phillip M.                         37293564    Dept 929, 514th Squadron
Morello, John J.                        32461116    514th Sqd.
Moretz, Harrison N.                 14072436    Dept 521, 514th Squadron
Nelson, Frank D.                      38202965    514th Squadron
Nelson, Harry L.                       36302574    Dept. 867, 514th Squadron
Newman, Philip E.                    12024672    514th Sqd.
Oncale, Galeion H.                   18138433    Dept 521, 514th Squadron
O'Neal, George V.                    34266684    514th Sqd.
Owen, John T.                          14141194    Dept 521, 514th Squadron
Parker, Marvin L.                      35596147    514th Sqd.
Pas, John T.                              36379405    Dept. 867, 514th Squadron
Pearcy, Marvin (NMI)                 35112901    514th Squadron
Perkins, Roderick A.                 39338499    Dept 521, 514th Squadron
Peters, Urban M.                       36271219    514th Sqd.
Pleasanton, Elmer (NMI)            32076331    Dept 521, 514th Squadron
Polevoy, Leonid D.                    31131079    Dept 055, 514th Squadron
Pullin, Felton P.                          6963886    514th Sqd.
Roberts, Daniel T.                     18125258    Dept. 867, 514th Squadron
Rocco, John (NMI)                     12193677    514th Sqd.
Runyon, Edwin (NMI)                 36440557    Dept 345, 514th Squadron
Russell, John W.                        32084583    Dept. 945, 514th Squadron
Sack, Paul A.                             37274601    514th Squadron
Salmon, Clarence W.                 33191025    Dept 521, 514th Squadron
Sams, Baxter C.                        39389151    Dept 590, 514th Squadron
Santos, Hamilton D.                 12189379    514th Sqd.
Sapienza, Anthony (NMI)          19099666    514th Sqd.
Schimmelman, Carl H.              36562724    Dept. 867, 514th Squadron
Selman, Paul                            18119046    Dept 590, 514th Squadron
Senko, Albert L.                        36500339    Dept 521, 514th Squadron
Smith, Earl G.                           32491454    514th Sqd.
Smith, Jr., William J.                  33322333    Dept 501, 514th Squadron
Snyder, Jr., Richard L.               33089929    Dept 521, 514th Squadron
Spencer, Lynn J.                       36519515    Dept 060, 514th Squadron
Spivey, Hamlett D.                   39263318    Dept 590, 514th Squadron
Stanley, Fred P.                        14166270    Dept 521, 514th Squadron
Stokes, Harold A.                     11036115    514th Sqd.
Stokes, William B.                     38450677    Dept 405, 514th Squadron
Strickland, George E.                34315388    Dept 521, 514th Squadron
Tiedeman, William H.               32316035    514th Squadron
Vail, Ronald E.                          12128515    514th Sqd.
Van Atta, Lawrence C.              39610666    514th Sqd.
Vrba, James L.                          37124260    514th Squadron
Walters, Donald H.                   39094575    Dept. 932, 514th Squadron
Washburn, Leland A.                38477502    Dept 521, 514th Squadron
Watkins, Randolph H.               33219527    Dept 521, 514th Squadron
Watson, Earl E.                         39046510    Radar mechanic, D. 647
Watson, Joseph A.                    36193146    514th Squadron
Widestrom, Russell C.              37115446    Dept 861, 514th Squadron
Williams, Clyde E.                    38445114    Dept 901, 514th Squadron
Williams, Joseph E.                   18133304    Dept 521, 514th Squadron
Wiltshire, Johnny L.                  38132217    Dept 521, 514th Squadron
Wilson, John H.                          6994454    Dept. 867, 514th Squadron
Wood, DeWitt T.                       14085302    514th Sqd.
Wright, Jr., Andrew (NMI)          32472829    Dept. 867, 514th Squadron
Youkoles, Abraham F.               32394893    Dept. 867, 514th Squadron
Young, Roy F.                           39569775    Dept 050, 514th Squadron
Zboray, Stephen J.                     32872874    Dept 911, 514th Squadron
Zekowsk, Robert J.                    12083288    514th Sqd.
Zimmerman, Ivan E.                  33295807    Dept. 867, 514th Squadron

Rank unknown
Brundrett, Duncan B.                         ?             514th Squadron
Damoulakis, George (NMI)                 ?             514 Sqd.

Ground Crew of Per Diem the Second, 514th Squadron.

L to R:
Glascow, Jim

Photo by Robert Storz


The website 376bg.org is NOT our site nor is it our endowment fund.

At the 2017 reunion, the board approved the donation of our archives to the Briscoe Center for American History, located on the University of Texas - Austin campus.

Also, the board approved a $5,000 donation to add to Ed Clendenin's $20,000 donation in the memory of his father. Together, these funds begin an endowment for the preservation of the 376 archives.

Donate directly to the 376 Endowment

To read about other endowment donation options, click here.

My Trip to San Pancrazio

October 2019


NOTE change in month !!!

DATES: Oct 26-29, 2024

CITY:Tucson, AZ

HOTEL: Double Tree Suites Airport hotel

7051 South Tucson Blvd., Tucson, AZ 85756


Click here to read about the reunion details.

previous reunions

For Sale

The Other Doolittle Raid

The Broken Wings of Zlatibor

The Liberandos

Three Crawford Brothers

Liberando: Reflections of a Reluctant Warrior

376th Bomb Group Mission History

The Last Liberator

Full Circle

Shadows of Wings

Ten Men, A "Flying Boxcar," and A War

I Survived Ploesti

A Measure of Life

Shot Down In Yugoslavia

Stories of My Life


Born in Battle

Bombardier's Diary

Lost Airmen

Langdon Liberando