513th Ground Crews

Men assigned to 513th Squadron:

Adans, John F.S.                   757411    Radar, 513th Squadron
Allen, Walter C.                    694290    Radar, 513th Squadron
Baty, Jr., Roy D.                    732915    513th Squadron
Benj-----, Donald E.            684127    513th Squadron
Bonnelli, David A.                 862001      513th Squadron
Bryce, Edward S.                   579835    Radar, 513th Squadron
Carlson, Jr., Russell L.           673042    513th Squadron
Carpenter, Jr., Homer F.        798970    513th Squadron
Crews, Jr., William                 690870    513th Squadron
Denison, Robert G.                856298    513th Squadron
Fishman, I. (NMI)                   757478    Radar, 513th Squadron
Grant, Harold E.                    747395    513th Squadron
Greene, James F.                   169708    513th Squadron
Jenkins, William L.                6385150    513th Squadron
Kacen, Robert C.                   794677      513th Squadron
Kittleson, Robert L.               809632    513th Squadron
Marangelo, Arthur J.              692045    Navigator, Dept 1034
Maus, Calvin D.                     855665    513th Squadron
Pritchett, Joe C.                     862026    513th Squadron
Raskaron, Michael M.            744490    513th Squadron
Rizos, James G.                     312414    Radar, 513th Squadron
Rogers, Glenn E.                   569978    Navigator, Dept 1034
Ruhr, Phillip (NMI)                 753078    513th Squadron
Sidorsky, Abraham M.           564288      513th Squadron
Strauser, Gilbert E.                430208    513th Squadron

Abrahams, Reynolds R.              36820098    Dept. 756, 513th Squadron
Ammeter, John J.                        33236701    Dept. 867, 513th Squadron
Barab, Bruno T.                          36602713    513th Squadron
Baughman, Harold (NMI)            33537669    513th Squadron
Baumgartner, Alexander E.         33376862    513th Squadron
Becknell, George F.                    14053192    513th Squadron
Biechter, Edward                        38104396    Dept. 755, 513th Squadron
Bramer, Martin W.                      32619794    Dept. 867, 513th Squadron
Carlson, Earl W.                          39127839    Dept. 853, 513th Squadron
Casey, Edward M.                       31162339    513th Squadron
Chapman, Paul J.                        33205108    513th Squadron
Chernin, Joseph H.                     12196163    Dept. 867, 513th Squadron
Cohen, Julius B.                          34722914    Dept. 853, 513th Squadron
Colgan, Xelle W.                         37452041     Dept. 860, 513th Squadron
Coughran, Frederick R.               365__258    Dept. 861, 513th Squadron
Cournover, Adelard E.                31173498    513th Squadron
Crissey, Edgar R.                        38428973    Dept 867
Crofts, Henry                                  ?              513th Squadron
Farfone, Guerino (NMI)               12040512    513th Squadron
Farris, George H.                        36100205    Dept. 901, 513th Squadron
Fason, Sexton J.                         38329357    513th Squadron
Fishman, Robert (NMI)                12082687    513th Squadron
Flynn, George E.                         32339115    513th Squadron
Flynn, Maurice                            32814702    513th Squadron
Fornwalt, John A.                        13048072    513th Squadron
Fowler, William C.                       11045043    513th Squadron
Freeman, Roy E.                          38544779    Dept. 521, 513th Squadron
Friddell, James D.                       14159071    Dept. 756, 513th Squadron
Goldstein, Sam (NMI)                  32419906    Dept. 867, 513th Squadron
Grippaldi, Anthony P.                 32571446    Dept. 501, 513th Squadron
Harman, Harold J.                       37210297    Dept. 867, 513th Squadron
Harrison, Raymond I.                 32393510    513th Squadron
Hawes, Gordon G.                      16050693    513th Squadron
Heimlich, Harry T.                      32271956    513th Squadron
Hinde, Albert E.                          36513808    513th Squadron
Holtz, Jr., Walter G.                    16187199    Dept. 521, 513th Squadron
Howard, James J.                        18192770    513th Squadron
Howe, Ryland D.                         15383212    Dept. 853, 513th Squadron
Hyle, Richard N.                         12137233    513th Squadron
Irwin, Wayne C.                          39556536    Dept. 867, 513th Squadron
Jacobs, Joseph E.                        12034416    Dept. 345, 513th Squadron
Javurek, Joe J.                             15353878    Dept. 853, 513th Squadron
Jobin, Joseph F.                          32252508    Dept. 867, 513th Squadron
Jones, Walter A.                          18082333    513th Squadron
Keck, Bearl (NMI)                        37106760    Dept. 050, 513th Squadron
Keen, Walter J.                            35363699    513th Squadron
Kelly, Donald E.                          13176448    Dept. 867, 513th Squadron
Kelly, John J.                               31152180    Dept. 867, 513th Squadron
Kirkorian, Edward                       39120506    Dept. 060, 513th Squadron
Kirksey, Isaac A.                         16065821    Dept. 867, 513th Squadron
Kirschner, Robert P.                   36461419    Dept. 521, 513th Squadron
Kramolis, Ramon F.                    38532949    Dept. 521, 513th Squadron
LaBranche, Robert J.                     6147738    513th Squadron
Larsen, Edward (NMI)                  39041621    Dept. 853, 513th Squadron
Launder, Delbert D.                    37660705    513th Squadron
Lazarus, Leo (NMI)                     32793715    Dept. 853, 513th Squadron
Lisk, Lestor F.                             35400487    Dept. 521, 513th Squadron
Lynch, William J.                         19024181    513th Squadron
MacNeill, Angus (NMI)                 32449781    513th Squadron
McCabe, Edward J.
                      31139708    Armorer, 513th Bomb Squad.
McCollon, Ralph H.                     36330376    513th Squadron
McCoy, Leslie H.                         18200674    Dept. 932, 513th Squadron
McFarland, Harry (NMI)               18192389    513th Squadron
McLain, Laurence C.                   18078419    Dept. 932, 513th Squadron
Mejstrik, Jr., Joseph                    32953695    Dept. 050, 513th Squadron
Micek, Chester J.                        32452160      513th Squadron
Miller, George L.                         31129616    513th Squadron
Miller, Glen H.                            17068559    513th Squadron
Mitchell, Roy W.                          17057990    513th Squadron
Montgomery, Harold W.              14114869    513th Squadron
Moryl, Stanley, J.                         36656107    Dept. 521, 513th Squadron
Nevin, Alexander B.                    13039177    Dept. 867, 513th Squadron
Newton, Earl C.                           33221066    Dept. 521, 513th Squadron
Nichols, Herbert                         34925752    Dept. 521, 513th Squadron
Norman, Dewitt T.                      34473038    513th Squadron
Norris, Dale (NMI)                       35758710    Dept. 932, 513th Squadron
Ortega, Benjamin M.                   18182587    Dept. 590, 513th Squadron
Palandro, Anthony N.                  32525885    513th Squadron
Payton, Robert W.                       17037763    513th Squadron
Perry, Carl D.                             13117271    Dept. 867, 513th Squadron
Polchlopok, Mecislaw J.              31107263    Dept. 867, 513th Squadron
Poole, Grady B.                          39697365    Dept. 590, 513th Squadron
Potter, Fletcher L.                      14064236    513th Squadron
Priestley, Charles H.                   32075539    513th Squadron
Pryor, Carl (NMI)                          6532373    Dept. 521, 513th Squadron
Puckett, Claude H.                     38568991    Dept. 521, 513th Squadron
Rathon, Charles C.                     13091106    513th Squadron
Regal, Elde G.                            37116057    Dept. 747, 513th Squadron
Renzulli, Anthony P.                  12035618    Dept. 911, 513th Squadron
Reuter, Myron A.                       18057624    Dept. 590, 513th Squadron
Rocho, John F.                           11103102    Dept. 867, 513th Squadron
Roman, Nick (NMI)                     35582158    Dept. 867, 513th Squadron
Scarborough, George A.             11098442    Dept. 867, 513th Squadron
Schaffer, Donald J.                     36658536    Dept. 521, 513th Squadron
Schmidt, Clarence J.                   37193794    513th Squadron
Schwartz, Joseph                        13052867    513th Squadron
Serrato, Angelo C.                      39812138    513th Squadron
Sevier, Barton M.                        38329107    Dept. 853, 513th Squadron
Sheard, Glenn C.                        39313723    Dept. 521, 513th Squadron
Skiera, Walter T.                         36350075    513th Squadron
Slingerland, Douglas A.              32491455    Dept. 853, 513th Squadron
Smith, Earl (NMI)                        36485169    Dept. 521, 513th Squadron
Smith, William N.                        38247235    Dept. 521, 513th Squadron
Stone, Harry H.                           35333440    Dept. 521, 513th Squadron
Stover, Elmer L.                          38153804    513th Squadron
Swyndro, Joseph M.                    16003966    513th Squadron
Tezak, William R.                        37348884    513th Squadron
Turko, Michael A.                       32285562    513th Squadron
Truesdale, Edward V.                  12016966    513th Squadron
Van Sickle, Lee R.                       33691307    Dept. 521, 513th Squadron
Vercellotto, Ferdinand J.             32779583    Dept. 867, 513th Squadron
Ward, Harold J.                           12209139    Dept. 521, 513th Squadron
Welch, Joseph N.                         31228878    Dept. 144, 513th Squadron
Westerfield, Joe M.                      33218498    513th Squadron
Wilkinson, Richard J.                   36161188   513 Sqd., ground Radio Oper.
Wood, Jr., Adelbert J.                  11015330    Engineer, Dept 748
Wright, Thomas J.                       36305908    513th Squadron
Zoltek, John S.                            31293066    Dept. 521, 513th Squadron

Rank unknown
Bobala, Max T.                                  ?             513th Squadron


The website 376bg.org is NOT our site nor is it our endowment fund.

At the 2017 reunion, the board approved the donation of our archives to the Briscoe Center for American History, located on the University of Texas - Austin campus.

Also, the board approved a $5,000 donation to add to Ed Clendenin's $20,000 donation in the memory of his father. Together, these funds begin an endowment for the preservation of the 376 archives.

Donate directly to the 376 Endowment

To read about other endowment donation options, click here.

My Trip to San Pancrazio

October 2019


NOTE change in month !!!

DATES: Oct 26-29, 2024

CITY:Tucson, AZ

HOTEL: Double Tree Suites Airport hotel

7051 South Tucson Blvd., Tucson, AZ 85756


Click here to read about the reunion details.

previous reunions

For Sale

The Other Doolittle Raid

The Broken Wings of Zlatibor

The Liberandos

Three Crawford Brothers

Liberando: Reflections of a Reluctant Warrior

376th Bomb Group Mission History

The Last Liberator

Full Circle

Shadows of Wings

Ten Men, A "Flying Boxcar," and A War

I Survived Ploesti

A Measure of Life

Shot Down In Yugoslavia

Stories of My Life


Born in Battle

Bombardier's Diary

Lost Airmen

Langdon Liberando